
I was *truly* hoping that Ever Crisis would be the Remake I was denied, but it ended up being a Gacha version of FF7 abridged and...man I’m sad

Unpopular opinion (maybe?) and I’m just venting so it’s not even relevant, just ignore me, but man, I wish Ever Crisis was the remake and not a gacha mobile game. The look is absolutely stellar, and the combat is foundationally cool (but again, streamlined for mobile—could be iterated on well for an actual full game),

$70 x 1,000,000 is another $70,000,000 in potentially lost sales. Obviously every person who pirated the game doesn’t necessarily equal a lost sale, but still. $70,000,000-ish in lost revenue on a single game isn’t “eh, no biggie, stop your whining” just because Nintendo is doing well financially at the moment.

Now playing

This is a good point. Kids have always bullied each other for not being up on the latest trends, it’s just the trends have changed.

As someone who still has to hear remarks about not sending blue texts to people, I am the farthest from suprised.

Translation: “Kids spend mommy and daddy’s money so they don’t get bullied, more news at 11"

Your kids’ friend sounds like the world’s lamest Robin Hood.

If everyone buys unique new skins and I use the default then are not I the one who is truly unique?

The prices mentioned aren’t national. Actually a Baconator in the US can range $8-$12 depending on the area and which Wendy’s you go to. The highest prices being in large metro cities, lowest in smaller rural towns.

Is anyone surprised here?  This is a tale as old as time.  Except somehow sadder for everyone involved.

I mean, people don’t always make rational decisions when it comes to food. If they did, Grubhub/Ubereats would get far less use than they actually do.

WORTH can just mean the satisfaction you get from it, and there’s a lot of guns that have crap for range, damage, ammo multiples of those that make them unsatisfying to use. It’s not a matter of maximizing, but if you’re constantly out of ammo because your gun only came with 40 rounds you’re not going to have a very

Weird how when people are playing the game in a way you don’t like, there’s a whole article about how they’re wrong and bad for doing it, but simultaneously there will be articles bashing games for not including an easy mode or whatever, and anyone who thinks games should be enjoyed as designed is also wrong and bad.

I just read this is more reasons why Sony should’ve never shuttered Japan Studio.

“Article about J.R.R. Tolkien is shorter than his longest book”. “Documentary about Stanley Kubrick is shorter than his longest film.”

MGS4 was my entry into the series, and cutscenes were honestly what made me fall in love with it. They were so damn good I couldn’t stop playing.

When we think about it in these terms, disability doesn’t equal an impairment. It’s a mismatched interaction with a barrier, resulting in difficulty in completing a task.......consider the scenario of a deaf or hard-of-hearing player

This is the correct response, but people do not want to hear it.

There is nothing wrong with a game having a wide range of difficulty options.

You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn’t grow. You didn’t improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It’s sad that you don’t know the difference.