
Based on the review, it seems about on par with the original, which was fun, but was no great shakes in the visual design, writing, or acting department.

I bet if they made Aang trans you would give it 10/10

I’m reasonably sure the author knows the facts but they also know that performative outrage gets the clicks.

I mean, Mr. Beast sucks and all but I’m pretty sure the Walmart workers who stocked his candy bars on the shelves would have otherwise spent their day... stocking items on shelves.  

This! It is 100% normal for vendors to visit stores and stock the shelves. The only abnormal part of all this is the video of him doing it. And really, is it?

Huh, it is 100% common for vendors to visit stores (walmart, target, grocery, etc) and make sure they get the products on the shelf and stock them correctly. This is normal. The only abnormal part is he video’d himself doing it.

Yes, I for one am outraged that the lazy morons at my local Walmart had to get off their fat assess and actually do work for a change. What a shameful state of affairs, actually having to do your job to get paid.

I’m really sorry people make you do your job when you’re at work. :)

Ya know... this article is a good representation of what are the most annoying aspects of you extreme lefties. I’m not even a fan, but if Mr. Beast shows up to my office at work, my day got better and not worse.

Don’t let Pokimane hear you say that!

What a poorly written article and miserable comment section

I think most people understand that popular products get restocked often

Man, this and a lot of these comments just come off as ignorant, “hate him because he’s famous and rich” nonsense. The dude got reports that his products (that are contracted to be sold in stores) weren’t being stocked, so he went in, checked stock, and put them on the shelves… Seriously, what’s so awful about this?

I’m 59 and I still have to say, “Okay, Boomer.” Why do some people seem to lose maturity as they age?

This utter ridiculous hate filled article is plain sad. You thinking his charity videos are, “wEiRd”, is a non point to the nth degree, because he's LITERALLY helping people (unlike you, who chooses to spread negativity). A vendor going in the back rooms then putting HIS product on shelves is an everyday occurrence in

I gotta be honest, there isn't enough here to outrage me.

Zack you’re making a lot of assumptions here without facts to support them. Did you know that Snoop just filed a lawsuit against Walmart for failing to properly stock his cereal after they agreed to do so? And that they found cases of it in stockrooms. I’m sure Mr Beast is doing this to protect his product the same

I can definitely see this one getting contentious lol. On one hand I hate YouTubers most of them are vapid terrible people. I have read a few stories about Mr beast and he does seem to do something positive for the world sometimes... Not the worst as YouTubers go. As far as these poor overworked Walmart employees... I

I don’t know what this guy’s beef with Mr. Beast is, but he sounds like a jealous schoolgirl.

This...is not a bad thing. Either there’s a vendor not doing their job or shrink+bad internal inventory management isn’t indicating the need to bring out to the floor.