
Why are we back to people making the dumb Herb jokes? Did something new happen?

I played it for a while to get Fetch Points. It'd honestly pretty easy to go without putting in ANY money. No clue how on earth they made a billion on it. I guess some people just can't stop when they run out of turns. 

Stop giving this hack promotion. It’s bad enough he runs the game awards, why does everyone (journalists and developers specifically) want to push for him to be the one replacing E3 too.

More like Aerith Veinsborough.

That’s the perfect reply to this whole thing because the people who say that ARE just as tonedeaf about this and porn as he was about Diablo Immortal and mobile phones.


Very nice... except Aerith... What on earth is going on there... maybe it’s just the pic chosen for the article but she just doesn’t look right.

I mean, this is somehow better than what they usually do, releasing a full priced game with the content and no other option. So it’s not the skittles way they could have done it.

I don’t mind HOW they do it, so long as they don’t follow the FFVII ‘Remake’ path and make it a stupid pseudo sequel instead of an ACTUAL Remake, not to mention changing the gameplay. Give it to me with nice cel shaded graphics, HD-2D, whatever (although don’t try going for realism, for obvious reasons) and I’ll be

I personally hate that argument from Yakuza fans. I started with 4 with no issues. Was there callbacks and little details I missed the first time? Of course, but if it’s a self contained story (and every Yakuza is) that is just icing on the cake. Unless the story is directly continued, it’s not THAT important to have

God yes, to both. I’ve got no interest in this game after playing the first but a proper remake with these assets would be great.

It’s not really been moot. You just often have to keep an eye on the box for “download required” and it’s also a good idea to check the Doesitplay twitter account just to be sure. It’s reslly.only been moot on Xbox thanks to “Smart” Delivery, where most games aren’t complete.

I don’t see how it’s that different from people getting bullied for wearing generic brands of clothes or shoes. Luckily, I just didn’t give a shit as a kid about clothes brands. There’s always going to be “better than thou” peer pressure as a kid (and as an adult TBH), all that’s changed is what thing it’s focused on.

I’d be pissed if I bought something off eBay and they cancelled the auction after it was over because they realized they could make more off it. Next time, do your damn research.

Im 45, I too have a house like that,  that said, any time you want I’ll take all the unwanted plastic and cardboard you have.

All streaming console... 🤢🤮

I rolled my eyes the second I ran into Sephiroth and the time ghosts or whatever. I called the “twist” of the game right then and really don’t get how so many apparently didn’t get it till the end of the game... and I am checked out. I don’t need, or want, a pseudo sequelmake of the game. I wanted a game that finally

Where is this poll? I need to get my vote in!

Id argue they did plenty wrong with Remake. Ignoring the “it’s a sequel not a remake” problem, they took a 5 hour or so part of the game and stretched it into 30+ and what they added mostly wasn’t compelling, just time filler and fetch quests. That first part of the “remake” completely took away any excitement I had

Microsoft are seemingly idiots... they need to learn to make deals for something popular like this, whether it’s giving the game a pass on the rules and making it up with a revenue split on the monthly FFXIV fees (or just not getting anything) or just flat out offering a FFXIV sub as part of Game Pass and giving