
A lot of people think that you can’t ‘own’ a dance, because we all have bodies, but really this comes down to something being a ‘creative work’ or not. You can absolutely ‘own’ a dance, because choreography is a creative work that is copyright-able, not unlike a song.

It is poor phrasing, it should be something like “...by Epic Games in Fortnite, which is currently the most popular video game in the world.” However, it is a quote from the lawyer, so it’s not the article writer’s fault lol.

The elaine dance was not in seinfeld until season 8 in 1997. The fresh princes final season was in 1996 so you are literally ass-pulling.

Well, there is a registration process for copyright. It’s basically what the copyright office does. What you are saying though is that copyright ownership manifests automatically to the author when the work is created. But that doesn’t mean that mean he can’t be in the middle of registration. He needs to have

Just waiting to see “You cant copyright a dance” commented and up-voted by a bunch of people who cant dance, or are learning to dance on Fortnite.


To a degree, but black people have started claiming ridiculous things. Black people did not invent dreadlocks (poor people did) or hoop earrings or freaking leftovers:

That’s like saying you can’t own a song, cause we all have voices. Can’t own a book, cause we all have fingers to write. Can’t own a game, cause can all type code. Absurd argument.

his whole attitude was classic Zen master stuff, something that’s been with the series since Yoda: it’s the technique of “i’m gonna fuck with you and your concept of what’s right to test what you really think is important, and if you are truly ready to be my pupil, you’ll understand all this is just fuckery.

I have a test for you:

Yeah, this movie really doesn’t work unless Snoke gives a twenty minute powerpoint presentation about his origins and plans. And while we’re at it, we should really re-edit Return of the Jedi so each individual Ewok gets a flashback explaining his childhood.

Palpatine gets almost no characterization on screen either in the OT.  We get almost nothing on screen about Palpatine until the PT.  Snoke and Palpatine exist to be overcome.  I don’t mind them being mysterious boogeymen.

Rey being a nobody in terms of the Solo/Skywalker/Palpatine dynasties was the best of all possible outcomes.  Any other outcome requires either undermining existing characters or diminishing Rey.  I hope that sticks.

Agh. This movie is SO. GOOD.

I think you are completely right, but I also think that Rey was imposing her own perspective on Kylo at first, too.

Just like Epic’s launcher, they continue to miss the point.

This isn’t competition. This is them locking there content behind there own personal wall. Competition would apply if multiple stores were selling the same product.

“Discord probably also wants money, no matter how altruistic the company might be trying to seem.”

No shit. Just like Epic. This coverage continues to be incredibly shady: https://kotaku.com/1830998185

GOOD. Meaningfully placed cities, maps, etc. are infinitely better than FO4 or DA:I’s use of “here’s a big open space that doesn’t have much personality or identity, collect all of the stupid mcguffins we’ve scattered about for achievements. Enjoy your lifeless biome!”

Just like cities size doesn’t matter density matters. If something is big and empty it just waists your time. If something is small and packed every minute is exciting.  Furthermore, I am becoming a big fan of compartmentalized RPGs as long as the areas are big enough to get lost a bit in it should be good.  The fact