
1) they are better off in South Sudan (it’s only on the verge of civil war, St. Louis is literally Hell). 2) there’s no way anyone from the second most racist team in sports would willingly interact with people of African descent. 3) if they did something like that, they’d never shut up about it.

This is an empty-handed comment, much like Arsene Wenger after another 4th place finish and R16 knockout.

I’m pretty sure the ultimate Mou plan involved Chelsea being relegated but winning the Champions league anyway. Double Championship.

First Martin Shkreli, now José Mourinho. Will there be any heroes left among us by day’s end?

It’s pronounced like “You BABY!”

Hey, as someone who follows the league, just thought I’d give a bit of background here.

It makes me wonder how much Brock Holt might be worth if the Sox decided to put him on the market. Brock runs hot and cold and doesn’t have too much pop, but he can play seven positions, he’s s very good defender at most of them, he gets on base, he’s got good speed, and he’s dirt-cheap for a while still.

Don’t forget trading a utility infielder and temporary possession of what remains of Bronson Arroyo for 6 yrs of Touki Toussant. In less than a year the Braves have acquired Arizona’s top draft picks in each of the past 3 drafts.

Yellow card for Messi blasphemy.

I’ll add them to next year’s Perfect Guide For Motorcyclists Who Love To Punch Car Mirrors.

I can see Watt obsessively reading every article about himself.

I’ve been calling him Pīrādziņi. But mostly because he’s Latvian, and I do so miss my grandmother’s most excellent pīrāgi.

There has to be someone affiliated with Deadspin that can pull off the mannerisms and affectations of an adolescent attendee.

Crime Fighting and the NFL: Can You Believe I Get Paid for This Shit?

I’m here in St Louis, and my boss announces to the group around us “Gary Pinkel announced his retirement for health reasons: lack of backbone! Ha!”

Seriously, fuck this whole state.

Can we get to the real point of interest: how much pizza did Goodell let everyone eat?

Next question.

Several reasons:

This, the episode with Ribery and the underage hooker, and supposedly he has a court date for a speeding ticket the day of the Clasico? I’m guessing that buyback option on Morata is going to be exercised this coming summer.