
yeah, her stories are either about shitty mixtapes that the vast majority of deadspins readership cares very little about, or lame, crowdsourced posts. Its terribly low effort bullshit

are you referring to that no talent hack Leslie Horn and her shitty mixtape posts?

Dons goodbye address, for those interested.

Oh its definitely a thing in these parts. Im honestly surprised he didnt mix in a couple of “chiefs”, along with his “kids” and “bros”

the all blacks have 5 foreign born players? this bums me out for some reason. I always imagined all NZ rugby players sit around and practice the Haka when not herding sheep.

This will of course get buried in the greys, but the most fucked up funeral I ever attended was about five years ago. It was a formerly close friend who was at the time, big into perscription meds. His father died rather unexpectedly after falling off a ladder. Roughly 8-10 0f our friends decided to go to the wake to

props to this dude for calling it more than 2 years in advance

Seriously. Fuck Brian McCann. when did that fuckface appoint himself final arbiter of all of baseballs unwritten rules? That shit needs to stop and McCann needs to go fuck himself with a pinecone

I dont know that ive ever heard a Weird Al story that doesnt portray him as one of the nicest, most humble people in the world.