

From someone with such bona fides, you should not have written at a 2nd grade level and been precise about your language. Technician, lol.

I’m not from the cousin-fucking South, you fucking sister-fucker. Your name tells us your reality, JEB

It’s not angry in the comment. It’s disappointment in the incorrect assertion that was made.

Did I ever mention the cousin-fucking state of Mississippi?

Well forgive me for desiring accuracy in my univision-owned blogs

THANK YOU. That’s what I said also. But the Smokys are a subrange of the Appalachians.

The South isn’t mountainous? Dude, stick to what you don’t know (Food) and leave the geography to the professionals (not you). Short of the piedmont regions of the east coast, the South is actually quite mountainous.

The Blue Ridge Mountains run through Virginia and West Virgina (both considered the South, WV is

You imbeciles. Ricky Jay is a one of the greates prestidigitators skilled in Legerdemain. You’re adults. Use adult words. “Sleight-of-hand technician.” pfft. You make him sound like he’s on staff of the a middle school’s AV Club. This man is an American treasure and you refer to him as a chumscrubber.

Or maybe you’re

How does a man suggest to his female significant other that her facial skin is in constant rough shape (same spot acne, intense dry sky, etc) to address the need to take better care of her skin? When I try to be diplomatic, tactful, and gentle in my approach, I get an epic eye roll and her repeated belief that skin

Three people to the right of Schneider, is Brian Robbins, big time holiday producer/small time pervert.

More like ground rule double cheeseburgers, amirite???




It’s the fuckin truth!

I faced this problem recently, and not only do you need to pluck the sprout out of the garlic, after cutting the clove in half, but there is actually another small, almost translucent “sheath” that the sprout was inside of, inside the garlic clove that you need to take out also. It’s like the tiniest bit more of work

+1 rim shot, Henny Youngman

I agree; Do you also agree that Solange is Beyonce’s daughter? Because I’m a firm believe that not only is Solange Beyonce’s daughter, but Sarah Palin faked her last pregnancy to cover up Bristol’s first teen pregnancy....

While I’m a perv, i’ve never sought those out. Can you share so I can see how bad they are?

You are living the dream, sir/madam.

I feel really really bad for John Lithgow’s weak turn and fake accent...

If the parents were in their early 30s, how old could this teen be?

Arranged marriages are bullshit