

I’m fucking sick and tired of this amateur hour of revolving door writers the GMG runs off due to their anti-labor practices, that we have absolute dead air for writers, like Marnie’s fuckin dullardness expressed by her fucking shock that this sandwich only exists nowbecause of a fucking tv show.

Can someone who

This was the last seltzer I was ok with drinking, but after last fall’s news about PFAS levels, I stopped.
Even cut by half, “

As a municipal city planner, I am sincerely and genuinely FUCKING ELATED that a Black Woman from the East Side of Cleveland, who has a decorated career as a public servant and leader, is in charge of HUD. She is the leader needed after Soft Hands Carson. I have very high expectations of her that I have strong belief

You beat me to the punch by 12 hrs. #FairPlay

As bad or worse than the George & Kellyanne Conway marital home? Esp with the terrorizing of the daughter. Yikes on bikes. s.

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It’s not disco flute, but better Brick tracks exist

What do you know about Disco Clarinet?

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No lie, the best album on this track, a true floor filler in all of the parameters of the definition

That piece of shit deserved that.

It’s Gary Owen. He did a bit on Comic View back in the day about people always thinking its Owens.

The further degradation of this blog has been proven by the obvious sheer ignorance of the author (ahem) to not even look into Aspic, Bone Broth, or fuckin Agar Agar as mediums. What a joke. Fuckin clown shoes.

I would bet serious good money, Vegas-odds good money, that Krazy Kanye is gonne definitely kill himself (praise allah if he does, enough with his nonsense) before the next election. One can only pray, InshAllah - Baruch Hashem - Fingers Crossed. Don’t let me down Kanye. 

not trolling, pls elaborate on your recipe.

because of hypertension related foot issues?

I am laughing my fuckin ass off over here, with you acting like “OMFG The peanut Coke made this float so much better. Everything tasted better.”

You know why you absolute moron??? Salt.

The fuckin salt on the peanuts did what salt is supposed to do, and SEASONED THE FUCKING DESSERT. If you were a Potato Salad Karen,

She needs to name the executive who pulled that shit on her. 

The only fool here is you, Karen. 

Meh, more people that will run away once this sinking ship hits the water line. Who gives two shits anyway? This site and the whole media group have been rotting like fresh produce left on a counter for two weeks, for years now. 

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Co sign on the messy pours. See my comment above about this solution to this glaring design flaw in the manufacturer of their products

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The problem is not with the technique but with the vessels being used. The issue is that the lip of the pouring bowl (and almost everyone bowl on the market, no lie) is that there is a major design flaw that no one has overcome until a few years ago. It took a physicist at Brandeis Univ. in Mass to redesign the lip of