
This is such a thing. My sister is ostensibly an adult for 360 days of the year but for the ~1 week we spend together over the course of the year, she just regresses. Last time I saw her culminated in her grabbing me at the throat over an argument because she didn’t want to have to divide our shared bed down the

We grew up in a similar situation where we were fostered by different relatives because our father was a drug addict and our mother wasn’t allowed to have us because she had been severely neglectful.

Wow, where did that come from? Poor sis. My sister is 6 years older than me, and we are close. But that may be because our parents were serious alcoholics, and we kind of had to bond or be alone. Some small competition at young ages - she was brilliant, I was cute. But mostly just BS. Often fostered by distant

But then you would have had me, who cried like a baby during those awkward years when your sister is suddenly your older sister, and she doesn’t like being dressed in matching clothing with you anymore. Not even the same Halloween costumes! :(

She knew who Megyn was, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that she knew that MK was starting her Today show stint this week. I’m sure Messing peripherally aware that MK had signed on with NBC, but if you’re not a regular Today Show viewer you wouldn’t necessarily know when she was expected to start there. I certainly

I find them tiresome, but I’m an only child. I watch my adult step kids, and at any given time, at least two of the three are at war with one another, or their mother.

I’m convinced one of my good friends settled down and had a kid with someone not quite compatible because her younger sister did. I mean, this guy MOVED 1 year into them dating and completely ghosted her. She drove by his house only to discover he didn’t live there any more. She begged and begged for them to get back

Sweet Christ yes. I found it mostly annoying because sometimes I just didn’t care and she’d accuse me of being jealous.

And here I am defending Kim K. (everything else in our universe is ass-backwards, why not this???): if you’ve gone through the agony of infertility, anyone who gets knocked up easily/by accident is basically a personal affront to you. It’s not logical, it’s not reasonable, it’s not fair or right, it’s not that you

I thought Kim has placenta accreta and that’s why she needed a surrogate, so she wouldn’t hemorrhage and die.

I’m happy for Kit Harrington and Rose Leslie. You can tell he is insanely in love with her by the fact that he was completely incapable of displaying even slight interest in a beautiful woman during his “romance” during the last season of Game of Thrones.

The ACA hasn’t been a failure, therefore the GOP are working their asses off to make it fail. They’d rather be right than have healthier constituents.

Messing said her agenda said “Today Show”and nothing else. Yeah, she should have gotten the specific host name. I wonder if that was on purpose because Messing is politically active?

I don’t know what’s going to happen but I’m terrified. I don’t get paid well, I don’t have a degree. Can’t even afford my own place, and I have to help my family financially since my dad is retired, my mom works part time, and my adult sister is disabled and can’t work, is divorced with a kid and her ex is not very

I do hate me some celebrities but I’m cutting Messing slack here. She said she didn’t know it was MK until the morning of. Even so, if you’re part of a cast, it’s very difficult to bow out, especially when you have to promo your own show.

Why is Messing expressing regret after the fact? Didn’t she know who Kelly is before going on that dumb show?

The Graham-Cassidy bill is dead, at least for now, but some Republicans appear to be threatening to allow the ACA markets to further destabilize in the hopes that it will hurt Democrats in 2018.

When addressing Trump, FUCK YOU seems like most appropriate response