
About the flu shots: Do you live anywhere near where they might give them for free? I’m in New York and preventing the flu is considered right up there with providing potable water. If you’re writing a research paper, maybe you have a school-related clinic? Or maybe your son’s school does if he’s school-age?

Never get into a fight with a poker-playing Trump supporter before you have a chance to take all their money.

The Seahawks and and Titans (a Tennessee team!) both remained in their locker rooms during the anthem today, releasing statements that they stood together as teams and against Dump’s tirade. The performer of the anthem also took a knee!

They can’t even keep their bullshit straight from one insane rant to another. On Twitter today there was some woman who posted a Muslim praying on the back of a cab- a legally parked cab. Guy is not bothering a single person but of course there are dozens of the obligatory comments about Sharia law, some grand

That’s Howard being a top tier interviewer as usual. Bringing out details and stories you won’t get elsewhere. His familiar relationship with 45 allowed him to bring these kind of things to light. It’s not just here; pretty much all his interviews weasel out insights.

I have a disability that’s decidedly a pre-existing condition and lifelong, with no cure but kind of manageable (the very promising drug has had costs skyrocket up to $1000/month, but that’s a story for another rant now). There’s a FB community which despite being international and generally non political has had a

Most of you have probably already seen this but for those who haven’t, this is the single time it’s appropriate to use the phrase YES KWEEN:

We’re being terrorized by our own president. The ICE raids, the potential nuclear war because Trump wants to show that uppity North Korean whose dick is bigger, potentially deporting the Dreamers, stoking racism, our president is deliberately frightening us and dividing us. We are at a dark and terrible point in

Look, if we’re going to do this whole “nuclear annihilation” thing, can we just get it over with?

Well, to be fair, he’s also tweeted some stupidities about the new GOP wealthcare plan...

The day decorum on the floor of the Senate died.

I have argued with people who are shoulders deep up their own assholes until I am ready to just start punching and walking away. They are deadset convinced that repealing Obamacare is the only way to “fix” things and then whine about their own current healthcare coverage. One guy has repeated his “I have to pay $1500

“If you want a hearing, you better shut up.”

I hope this 83 year old fucking fossil gets NO VOTES for reelection. How do you talk to voters that way? Why is this allowed? When did this become normal to cuss at people?

Kathie Lee was here in Seattle maybe 6 or 7 years ago producing a play...I went to see it at the end...there she was...a few rows behind us in the audience! She had zero make up on...baggy sweater & yoga pants and posed for a pic...I was never a fan before but I was impressed...!

You have to admit, though, that the ghost of Dorian Corey is smiling at this exchange:

  • Megyn Kelly said she had “dreamed” of hosting an “uplifting” show for a long time, and that the “mission” of Megyn Kelly Today is to “deliver hope and optimism and empowerment.”