
I’m going with option B. He’s a liar who lies. It was never going to be temporary.

In light of Trump tweeting (at a “failed” business, mind you- how is it STRONG to bully a failure?) during the Yemen raid vs. Benghazi and this, i’ve been thinking a lot about why is it that republicans are so good at weaponizing their outrage. Plus all the mileage out of the broken window at Starbucks during the

Society allows white men to make mistakes. Women and POC not so much. It was never about her emails. Just like how people aren’t really mad at the kneeling for the national anthem. They’re mad that black men are being uppity.

You cannot lock evil up. You must salt and burn. The Winchesters know.

Bingo. When you’re written out of history books, your story has to get dug up and told by other means. That’s why Stuff You Missed in History Class features so many women (enough so that certain audience members actually complained about it).

This is well earned. My cousin works at NASA Houston and said that this was the source of huge applause in the annals of a huge agency.

Never a bad time for my favorite photo.

Nailed it. Solange has always been THE ONE.

Just saw this movie over the weekend. I was floored. She seems to down play this honor but I think she earned every brick used to make it.

She sure did.

He has grown and matured nicely. (Solange accelerated things, imho).

Guys quietly exercising their freedom of speech rights by kneeling are “sons of bitches” who should be fired.

I just realize they are named after Edgar Allen Poe’s Raven. I now have two reasons to be impressed.

what happened to him is a abomination

“With All Disrespect” would make a great album title…

For those of you* who “don’t want politics in sports,” it’s because you’re privileged enough not to have to worry about the government eroding your civil rights. For the rest of us, this isn’t the case.

IDGAF about sports, but right now I am feeling so damned much hometown pride for the Steelers.