
I love her little grin there. Like, my grandson, such a rogue!

Why is the military and police blocking them?

I feel you. I’m all: “Why would anyone be invested in this mindless tripe?!”

The whole thing bums me out. This girl dated a 26 year-old when she was still 17, got a fuck-ton plastic surgery to look “sexier” while her body was still developing, and now she’s having a kid before she can even legally drink in a bar. I don’t buy that she’s particularly “mature” for her age—that’s a line fed to her

This is all so dumb for so many reasons. I hate it all yet I’m all over it like:

I’m going hiking tomorrow morning, but I also still plan to go for a run on Sunday morning. Thanks for inquiring after my exercise routine. It’s nice to know you care.

For future archiving purposes, this article, in which the President wants football players to hit each other harder without fear of penalty to revitalize ratings, is posted just above a shared story from a Lifehacker sub-site explaining the effects and probable causes of CTE within football players.

Any NFL player with an ounce of moral fiber needs to protest in solidarity with Kaep. The very same flag that Kaep is kneeling against is draped behind this megalomaniac, senile racist as he cheerleads for billionaire owners to fire their black employees for protesting social injustices.

He left behind residual hatred of America so now the entire new stadium stinks of communism. Plus it’s hard to get to and doesn’t have much shade.

I’m glad McCain has some kind of morals and is sticking up for the idea of doing things the right/normal way, but his statement mentions how ACA was “rammed through” and I out loud said “shut the fuck up” at work.

Congrats to her! :) No snark here. I’ve seen enough gross comments against women on every media platform lately. Hope the pregnancy goes well and the bebe is healthy and happy.

Okay, folks, today’s Code 45* was a super tough one to crack. So we’re going to lead off with the message itself, then walk y’all through it. It’s quite a tasty prophecy, but - as you will see - there will be some delayed gratification, so we’ll all need to be strong for a bit. Here it is:

Your mouth to God’s ears!

Mueller already knows how to circumvent the Presidential Pardon: Work with state AG’s and make any charges State charges rather than Federal charges. This totally defangs 45's ability to pardon someone since he can only pardon Federal offenses.

“Last one to get subpoena is the focus of the investigation.”

“No child should ever feel hungry, stalked, frightened, terrorized, bullied, isolated or afraid, with nowhere to turn,”