
Perfectly well-said. None of these keyboard cowboys polluting Facebook and comment sections with their “I STAND” bullshit have stood for one single anthem rendition while in their own homes or out at the bar. Once they stand for every anthem, no matter where they are, they can start in on their false equivalency

A handful of Latino players over the years in baseball do not stand for the flag (mostly hiding in the dugout) when the anthem doesn’t truly represent their country and there was never any hooplah over that.

Totally agree. Unlike the NFL, the NBA’s biggest stars not only are black but also seem a lot more interested in this cause. NFL players seem to hide behind don’t distract the team/we are all warriors, no one is bigger than “the common goal”. Where as literally basketball is made of superstars who basically pick the

I made the transition! It can be done. What I’ve found is a lot of the same skills that made you successful in academica are the same skills most companies are looking for in solid employees: time management, problem solving, and working with others. I have an English degree, so I feel you on the Humanities degrees

Oh, holy shit. I think you’ll get snapped up, post-graduation. Archives and digital content management cross over really well with contemporary records management, which opens a lot of government and private company positions (even more if you’re familiar with gov docs). Large churches are also a great opportunity for

Oh, that’s right: admin, admin, admin, buildings, grounds, and labs (where the full-time professors really work, not teaching many if any classes).

I’m specializing in special libraries and archives because I already have a masters in history (sorry, I’m not great with kids). I’ve worked as an archivist before in a museum to fill in for someone when she was on maternity leave, and I’ve worked a ton with digital libraries and digital content. I have loads of

And law schools. My old history program stopped asking me to talk to undergrads about what you can do with a history degree when I started telling them that they can use their history degree to get another degree that will eventually get them a job. (Law is another one. I went to school with lots of people who went on

Specialize, if you can. If you like/can deal with children, consider taking classes in programming and youth literature - public libraries in particular tend to hire a lot of children’s librarians/librarians who also do children’s programming as entry level positions. If you know computer programming and databases,

Special libraries, archives, and museums, but I have lots of experience in digital libraries. I’ve worked as an archivist and in special libraries in the past, and I’m working in government documents while I’m in school now.

I had 347 students per class AFTER I refused to teach a 450 person class with no TA. Guess what? NO TESTS. I don’t have time to write and/or grade them. Ended up being a fun and engaging class for everyone, but I had to prioritize my time to get to my bartending gig (seriously).

I’m a resume writer and I promise you can make the transition from academia. The key is to reframe your experience in the language of your target industry, to downplay or remove publications / presentations, and, most importantly, to paint a clear picture of how your skills will transfer to the target position. Do

As a reminder, these are people teaching a roomful of students that pay well over the average income of a family to be at college. At $3K per course, teaching 10 students, the teacher is bringing in $30K per class per term for the university. If they teach two classes per term, that’s $120K per year. They’re seeing

What has Bob Barker done to scare everyone away from “The Price Is Wrong” headlines?

“These are words Donald Trump just said about Puerto Rico: “The loss of life, it’s always tragic. But it’s been incredible. The results that we’ve had with respect to loss of life. People can’t believe how successful that has been, relatively speaking.” What the fuck does that mean?”

“I was faced with two presidential candidates that I really did not approve of,” Campbell elaborated. “And so I had to find something, a commonality with one of them, that would make me feel like if I have to vote, I should utilize my right to vote. Since I don’t prefer either of them, what can I find that would make