
“If you can convince black women though, watch your career go to stratosphere.”

I feel like this can extend to SO many aspects of culture and life. I’m a white American but grew up in Miami so everyone I knew was Hispanic. I never tried to act like I was a Latina. I always just acted like myself and I never ever struggled making friends or being accepted by anyone. I agree - just being real takes

“If you can convince black women though, watch your career go to stratosphere.”

Well researched and written. The biggest takeaway is that she should have listened to the people around her. Even the song you posted in the article, had she dropped the blaccent and gone with Valley girl ala kesha in the first part of her career that would have been a cute little underground sleeper hit.

- Get better, Gaga!

i’m on B too...i really believe that in Trump’s mind he has tired of having the GOP stick him in the back and the D’s rolled in the other week with praise and kind easy to read words in their agenda and he perked right up.

As long as your’re outchea growing and attempting to thrive WITHOUT breaking the hearts of innocent women in your attempt to become whole again, then you aiight with me!

Men were just horrified that Issa had the nerve to cheat on Lawrence; cheating, especially forgivable cheating, is for men only. And they were happy to see him giving it to Tasha and having a threesome with women who weren’t Black. That and Issa suffering for being a “whore” is all they really cared about. *shrug*

I was pro Lawrence until he called Issa a fucking Ho’. Yeah they were having their breakup conversation and deliberately trying to hurt each other but he became trash to me when he crossed that line. A 5 year relationship is hard to end but there are just some lines you don’t cross.

Lawrence is a roller coaster. Some episodes I want to root for him, sometimes I can’t stand him. Trash-ish is a good way of putting it.

Short synopsis:

This is literally the worst take I’ve ever heard about anything in my entire life. It’s like Jason Whitlock and Umar Johnson had a baby, and named that baby Tomi Lahren. You are that baby.

I remember my buddy Bradford wrote a piece for Ebony way back when the Cosby situation was regaining steam in 2014 and was never paid. I used to think that making it up there with them was the dream goal as a writer but as I got more accustomed to the field in general - I freelance stuff every now and then - it lost a

So not only does Tamblyn’s description of the encounter ring true, she follows/juxtaposes it with this;

Omg you’re totally right about it being managed by his mom. She spoke at his trial and specifically emphasized REAL because she wanted to show the world the REAL Brock turner. That’s beyond. It’s either run by one of them or an extremely clever troll.

I followed the case and am so glad his mug shot is EVERYWHERE. He went to Stanford, so I didn’t think much of it. Turns out, his family is from a suburb of Cincinnati. And whenever him and his dad want to go out on the town (yes, apparently together), my neighborhood is one of their favorites.

Yay! Proud of our Senator, the Mom in Tennis Shoes that took the seat from a crusty old republican that actually called her just a “mom in tennis

This is well thought out and beautiful. It was tough for me to speak out initially because Ebony.com is where I started writing consistently (shout-out to Jamilah!). When other friends started writing for them and I started to hear about not being paid (I wasn’t a couple times), I knew it was time to speak up an