
Say, as both movie have BDSM theme in it, is this better or worse than Secretary?

Spoilers! The relationship continues to be super abusive, and the lead characters continue to be awful. Now with a baby at the end, to reinforce a bit of heterosexual domesticity and balance out all that naughty hardcore XXX spanking.

The problem with Clinton is she is so paranoid and guarded, so her message was so carefully picked over and tested as to render it completely bland, canned, and paralyzed her from the outreach and openness she needed. Trump, on the other hand, is so shameless and needy, his out of control id demanding he be in the

They said that about him but he campaigned there. Meanwhile, there are plenty of Clinton supporters in midwest states that voted for Obama saying they were turned away when they wanted to volunteer, being told the area wasn’t significant to their projections, a dynamic that comes up frequently in Shattered, the book

No, Trump won because of the whitelash against Obama. W Bush expanded Medicare with a massive drug giveaway and no one was angry, yet when Obama takes a very small step towards making the health care system make sense, he’s pillored as a socialist. I wonder what the difference was?

Agreed. Karma should ensure Eric Bolling suffers. NOT his children.

I worked in flyover country in 08 (state legislature election, semi rural - enough that it took an hour drive to buy printer ink). The difference is the Obama organizers were *actual people who lived in the district*, who started as volunteers and some of whom ended up on the payroll. And their feedback from the

Clinton was the most qualified person to be President in a generation running against the least qualified. People like you that think she’s everything wrong with politics are the problem and the reason America and the world wake up and look at the news every day to go, “Oh fuck what now?!!!”

Born and raised in Illinois, political career started in Arkansas, but ended up living in New York like some elitist rich jerk. That life kind of says she has no soul. No place matters to her. They are all just stepping stones. Compare that to Obama. Obama is an elitist but at least you can tell he loves Chicago.

i read that and just started laughing.... thats a level of evil fuckery i thought we werent gonna see again...

It’s almost like this would be a job for the US Military but hey, guess you got to fill your bizarre urge for slave labour somehow.

Which, ironically is more feminist than calling someone a ho. I’d never call someone a ho and love when women unapologetically post pics cuz they like the way they look. So yea

To be honest he peaked with this and it all went downhill from there.

Here’s a link to the story, I posted it before I saw your comment (my bad).

And kind of a wasted opportunity since there was a pretty remarkable case of survival in which a group of a half dozen or so people trapped in an express elevator managed to pry open the doors and chisel a hole in the dry wall to make an escape. They were, if I remember correctly, the only people to escape from an

Fun fact: in 2004 or so, Gina Gershon was in an IFC series called “Rocked w/GG” where she attempts to be a rock star and backed by actual rock band Girls Against Boys.

Because they consume more calories than they burn.

A major part of it is the richness of the diet too many people consume coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, especially as we get older. It would be one thing if we lived agrarian lifestyles where consuming lots of fat helps keep the bodies energy levels high for the daily work we performed, but by and large that is