
I can trot out laws too.

The right to travel freely is something the Supreme Court has specifically identified as a constitutional right contained within liberty.

I’m a DV/SA survivors’ attorney. I have a case where the defendant was convicted of felony assault with a deadly weapon and various related misdemeanors. He got 60 days in custody of the county jail (a wholeeee different rant) but was being held on an ICE hold because he came here from Burma/Myanmar without

Please post and share and sign! Or get me out of the greys to share. These are the kind of people that are being swept up in this nightmare. I just became a teamster (no, I don’t drive a truck) and I’m proud to see them standing up for one of their own.

I’m not sure how to tap into something like this. I will hide someone in my basement until it blows over; there’s a bathroom and shower down there. I’d have to get an airbed or something.

It’s likely your local church would have an idea.

I live in a sanctuary city, and have two extra bedrooms in my house. There’s got to be a program somewhere where I can take some of these people in and hide them from the ICE! Since, apparently, Cheeto Hitler is mostly going after Latino refugees, it seems particularly propitious that there’s a dual

In fairness, no. Both are forms of activism in pursuit of repairing a social deficiency. Each man is using his celebrity as an access point. Some people in the country might be offended Watt is fundraising for Harvey flood victims, but hasn’t used his platform to raise money for other important issues. Regardless of

Right, these new girls really do suffer from overexposure and having to be “thirsty” to have a career. Contrast that with Kate Moss “Don’t complain. Don’t explain”, never even gave interviews.

Shannon is doing the Lord’s work over at Fox Sports. I also had my doubts about watching another black man on anything Fox related, but he has been nothing short of amazing to watch on that network. I think he was called to his work and this platform is honestly, truly, the best usage of his voice. Also, Fuck Shitlock

That bitch can sit in on any freshman seminar with me in late September, and watch students who’ve been assaulted practically whither away in front of everyone.

He’s so correct about that man-baby bad sport coach of new england.

This. I really couldn’t stand him at CBS, and while I dont have the time or inclination to watch contrived sports debate shows, I have seen many clips of Shannon killing it on certain topics over on FS1. Dont know what happened between his time at CBS and his arrival at FS1 but he definitely honed his craft is at

I have a friend in intelligence. She’s worked for every President since Reagan. She’s worked for every letter agency and flies around the world briefing world leaders. She’s out this fall, can’t work like this anymore. When she tells me its way worse than anyone knows, I believe her.

Yeah, I mean the real issue isn’t that they’re buying people out this year but that they’ve been doing it frequently since the Great Recession hit whilst not back-filling or hiring any new positions. They’re effectively waging a war of attrition against these agencies. EPA being at its lowest level of staffing since

And this is why I will now and forever toss out everyone who brings up their biracial kids or black wife/husband/boo thang.

Despite all the other imagery available TO us, I still say this photo best encapsulates the feel of a Trump Presidency.