
I guess I don’t understand. Why is it a bad thing to protect against sex discrimination? Or to keep pollution out of our air & water? Or to pay people equally for the same job? Or to have regulations in place to keep buildings from falling down or people from being poisoned? I just can’t wrap my mind around whatever

Please tell me you aren’t that naive. We all know exactly who this law disproportionately targets and affects: Hispanics. He wasn’t out on the campaign trail talking about immigrants from European nations. He used a broad brush to paint Hispanics as bad people here causing crime and taking jobs these people don’t want

There’s an episode of The Handmaid’s Tale where Serena, the woman who helped write and usher in the legislation that caused the Republic of Gilead, realizes that she’s not an exception - that ALL women, including her, are second-class citizens at best in this new reality and she played herself. I think we were

i hate drumpf just as much as the next person but let’s not pretend we haven’t let saudi arabia get away with a ton of shitty things for decades.

Donnie is gonna be pissed when he finds out that he is not allowed to keep the gifts:

I love her willingness to own her own bad behavior in her lyrics

I, like most moms that I know like, are like that. We like our own kids, but we take other kids on a case-by-case basis. We like individual kids as people, but kids as a category? Phhbbbt.

Same- I have two olders and one 11 year old and am now weepy when I watch toddlers play. It reminds me of when one of my kids (at 3) was so blissed out that I let him have a churro that he hugged the stranger lady next to him. I was apologising to the woman, who was wearing a suit etc, as my kid dug his little sugary

I read your statement as: “I never liked kids. I had my own kids and I liked some of them, but not all.”

Doesn’t the whole thing read like a “fuck you,” anyway? This being said:

He thinks its all special for him.

She may be evil. But goddammit, she’s an evil GENIUS.

I have two uncles that are pharmaceutical reps.

Sad thing is, you have to go back even farther. Bush had a reasonably diverse Cabinet, and he hired black people who were smart and competent, too.

A Tale of Two Cities really did a good job pointing out that the excesses of the Terror were completely and utterly the result of the horrible, horrible aristocracy and insanely corrupt system it was fighting.

The inspectors general are independent. During G.W.Bush’s second term the IG at Justice ripped the Bush Administration a new one for their clumsyand very partisan efforts to politicize the hiring process for entry level attorney positions.