
And Speaker Ryan made damn sure to use Daddy’s Social Sec benefits to pay for his college education.

Paul Ryan should be ashamed of himself — not to the degree that the orange santorum-covered abomination should be ashamed of himself, but still ashamed.

because you don’t “just type words into a computer.”


I appreciate what Rodgers is saying; I’m going to stand for the anthem because that’s my personal choice, but I’m not going to codemn my black teammates for standing up (or sitting, or kneeling, as it were) for something they believe in.

Exactly. It’s trickle down feminism. Once the rich white ladies get more equal (i.e rich) equality will slowly make its way down to the masses.

Boy, one thing that is just shocking is I never pictured the military repeatedly and openly questioning their commander and chief like this. The military is famous for keeping their collective mouths shut, at least publicly, and just following their orders. Not this time though. They are showing open contempt and it’s

And cue the tea parties complaining about “legislatin from the bench!”...whatever that means. In the interim, I will point and laugh at Sarah Palin, who is politically irrelevant.

Or Queen Maxima of the Netherlands.

North remembers!!!

North is just bitter because she knows that the younger sibling is always the better one.