
Me: I’m going to be strong & fearless from now on.

This. Shake it Off wasn’t a fabulous lead single (compared to the others), but it set the tone. Something new.

Right. It is significant that Marlon James isn’t directing his anger at Smelcer, but at the lazy people at PEN. It’s like he knows Smelcer is just a crazy person, whereas the PEN staff appear willfully incompetent.  

It needs to be stressed that this wouldn’t have happened without crowd-sourcing his identity. The Cville police have made no effort to investigate these people. Every single arrest has come only because private citizens have identified these people and assembled evidence themselves.

Between this and that YA Handbook for Mortals buying its way into the NYT bestseller list, the lit world had been hot fire for scandals this week.

Yeah, I probably should have specified that even if he were still alive, I still would be less surprised to see a recommendation from a dead author than from Salinger considering he was almost as famous for his reclusiveness as he was for ‘The Catcher in the Rye’.

This is the look Orion gave me when I stopped scratching his head.

Mimi looking down on the rest of us.

Veronica is being silly on top. Hiro is posing on the bottom.

Here’s my kitty being a grump because he thinks he should be getting more noms.

So my dad made new friends after a divorce at 69. He gave me two good tips:

*Baby pictures*

Hey friends! I’m having a woe-is-me night where I’m feeling lonely and disconnected. I moved to a new town last year and still only have one friend other than my partner. Just saw a photo of a bunch of my friends from my previous city all at the beach together and now I’m feeling left out. Any words of advice for how

Goddess grant me the confidence and hubris of a completely, mediocre white dude.

You know that scene from Broadcast News where they’re editing that report to the very last possible second? Holly Hunter is completely cool about it but Joan Cusack is hyperventilating and screaming “We’re never gonna make it!” Robert Mueller is Holly Hunter and I and a lot of other people are Joan Cusack.

Thanks for linking the receipts Angela. I hope that we all share this article with everyone we know who dares to ask “what did he do?” and anyone else for that matter. The man has built his entire life on racism, discrimination and inhumane treatment.

Texas: Where stopping one illegal immigrant is worth risking hundreds of citizens lives.