
Okay Paul Ryan, what exactly does Trump have to say before you get bothered?

Okay Paul Ryan, what exactly does Trump have to say before you get bothered? Asking for some friends (millions of them).

Trump’s an asshole, but he’s kind of right here. The GOP & Trump promised repeal & replace on day 1 and the thundering dumbasses in the Congressional GOP didn’t even have a plan.

I think GOOP called TINA’s ‘description of our interactions misleading and their claims unsubstantiated’.

Fucking white people.

I wonder how many naps he had yesterday to be up that late without sundowning like he normally does at night. Incredible that an elderly obese man with dementia is trying to start a new civil war and people are following him. He raving like a lunatic and people are just eating it up.


American Hitler: never ceases to amaze how he’s constantly capable of stooping even lower.

As much as I want Trump out of the White House, I don’t want Mueller to rush. I want him to build a solid, airtight case that even the GOP can’t wiggle Trump out of.

As a boy, WW2 history fascinated me. How could a nation as cultured as Germany turn into a jew-killing machine with that megalomaniac Hitler allowed to be in charge?

BD Wong is truly ageless.

That’s everyone’s favorite person, B.D. Wong!!! Have loved him ever since I saw him on “All American Girl”.

SNL has never had a single Asian-American cast member or musical act.”

This guy and all his supporters are off their rockers! They will be true believers until the end and then they will deny voting for him.

I watched it online. Ninety minutes. It was horrible. T45 spent 5 minutes on either end of the speech saying we should pull together as a nation— and the other 80 minutes ginning the crowd up about Us and Them. And the Lying Media are all Them, except for Fox News. He praised Fox News.

For us, however, we approach it from an economic perspective. By significantly narrowing the gaps between the classes, and promoting welfare and safety nets, those who are discriminated against are more closely aligned to those who are against them as well as being better off in their overall standard of living as a

I HAVE THIS SHIRT! I wear it to the gym regularly. I rotate it out with the long-form Made in the USA t-shirt.

Doesn’t matter, an NDA doesn’t prevent testimony about a crime.