
Except he isn’t that wealthy, and the NYC elite did not like or accept him.

Allegedly there is one.

And it seems like Cohen was doubtful that he would. He said he was just glad to receive them and didn’t consider why they were coming from the account that they did.

Maybe. But in the NY courts, well.... it’s going to be a much different story.

The ratings alone will make Drumpf insane. His base isn’t watching because Fox isn’t playing it.

To send a message

A friend of the family went into the ER with chest pains, and because of incorrect information on his chart, he was injected twice with some medication. The 2nd injection killed him. And then to cap it all off.... the day of the funeral, the widow received a card asking how their care was (soliciting feedback).

Well, he is doing a good job. A good job of increasing their profit. They don’t give a shit about helping anyone but themselves and their shareholders.

Order from Canada

Have you tried ordering from Canada? I have three prescriptions from two different doctors that are filled from Canadian pharmacies at a 10th the price insurance charges (especially when they denied me my brand name drugs that I NEED because the generics don’t work, and haven’t worked for 20 years).

The drug companies are not in it help people. They are in it to profit. Period.

Yes. They pad the bill, and then negotiate with the health insurance, who ends up paying less than the bill.

That is also done by private health care. They have tiers of medications.

It was probably scripted for their show.

I don’t find the comb/salad thing half as awful as the torpedoing of leaving staff’s job opportunities.


She probably gave him non answers, as usual.

Because people like Steve Bannon have huge political investment and influence in the US and the EU. Currently he is more focused on the EU, but he is not gone...

I’m sure they thought they were saving a heathen child and bringing her to Jebuzz.

One of so many, I have lost count.