
I am so glad for this one. In high school (in Texas) I had a really really shitty long distance running coach. He was a total dick and often didn’t acknowledge when people had heat stroke or problems that were arising from the INSANE HEAT AN HUMIDITY found in TX. I had zero respect for him and pretty much only joined

Yeah, when that negging backfires, it does so SPECTACULARLY.

Awww, I’m glad my long ago camping adventures won!

13 or 14 year old me calmly looked the kid who’d just called me fat up and down and replied “have you look in a mirror lately?” turned on my heels and sashayed back to class.

Seventh-grade boy: “You suck the big one!”

We were playing baseball in gym class in about 6th grade and my dick teacher yelled at me, “You swing like a girl!”

How about anyone who wants to wear a fucking strawberry dress can wear a fucking strawberry dress.

Unless and until the strawberries are scratch and sniff...

“Med school cadaver” is the best description of his appearance I’ve ever seen.

Why would anyone believe that a braggart like Trump would use a cover, to “quietly’ break up the “deep state” when he does nothing but shout about how great and awesome he is? In fact, if he was waging some big war on the "deep state" we wouldn't be able to get him to shut up about it.

and she is a goddamned nurse to boot...fuck me sideways.  This is why we have our southern border closed in BC. We all stayed the hell out of the world, kept ourselves locked up in our homes, and just waited it out for like 8 weeks and we’ll be goddamned if we’re letting a pack of diseased covid conspiracy nuts up

“the equivalent to a nuclear powered megaphone and a handy directory of shitheads with agendas” needs to be the new dictionary definition of the internet. 

She absolutely deserved to have her child taken from her, but it’s horrible that death did it instead of child services (and given my expreience working with kids in the foster system, I don’t say that lightly).

I think that social media could definitely police things better, but blaming the internet and social media just shifts blame away from the core problem, people. It’s not like social movements didn’t exist before the internet, humans have always been fickle and easily manipulated. Social media is just the soap box,

There is a new conspiracy theory going around. I guess on WayFair, there was a glitch in their system that changed the prices for storage containers, and somehow these morons took that as a sign that WayFair is part of a worldwide child trafficking ring run by the Democrats. I dont have enough drugs to make this shit

Also, I hear the Hotel California is in lockdown, because you can never leave.

Can you imagine how much better the world would be if the internet actually was limited to just pornography?

I find it very consoling. 

You need to stop listening to the commie fascist Democrats and then all will be revealed. Stop being a cucksheeptard!

“It is undetermined, but likely, that Davis contracted covid-19 at the church party.”