
Be careful in Paris. They are still rioting.

So far making nice has gotten us to where we are now. The other party does not play nice. It’s time to not take it any more.

From what I have seen so far, the only criticizing is coming from her fellow Dems and the right wing nutters - in the media and on social media.

Strong, middle-class, opinionated woman of color

He wants to force privatization.


Yes, I have seen them.... but it should all be on one thread and aimed at the appropriate people.

I think he would double down on “protecting” the USA, but he would shift to a more global threat (China?) and start another cold war...

If they haven’t already, someone needs to start an instagram/twitter feed of this shit (literally) and @ the republicans refusing to budge.

I feel like they are missing the point that 99% of thier supporters/ideal customer base who are alt-right/KKK/racists cannot afford the type of “luxury” vacation that they are providing (plantation cos-play).

You have to be able to feel humiliated, which I do not think Twitler is capable of.

Kind of KK with a dash of Donatella Versace....

Awful. I don’t understand why people make this face. At all.

Gaga looks so much like Kim Kardashian in that picture, I had to take a 2nd look.


Surprisingly, this hasn’t popped up in the news at all! Usually the repubs like to grasp at any little thing...

I believe he can be impeached.

You just have to be willing to leave the first job if you don’t get what you want.

Probably from the Co$. Or, wracking up mad hours at thousands and thousands of dollars per lawsuit (and there are many).