Sea Org
Sea Org
Of course you do! When you don’t want anyone assigned to work there to run away......
I read Jon Voght is game...
I would KILL for those caterpillars. I barely have half long eyebrows.
You never know. Make sure you send a HAND WRITTEN thank you note. People really don’t do that anymore - they send an email, which is not the same.
Please explain WHERE in his religion/religious text does it say that you are not supposed to use one pronoun over the other. Does he not eat shellfish? Does he not wear blended fabrics? Those rules ARE in the bible, but you don’t hear about them refusing to buy a tee shirt at walmart because it has cotton AND…
so the student was “tolerating” his bigoted views.
Depends on where you live. My HS probably had about 700 students at the most. My Jr. High even less.
We shall send him thoughts and prayers.
This is a guy who was brought up believing the law did not apply to him. And he has been right so far. Why would he behave any differently? By “winning” the presidency, the American people gave him the green light.
“‘Don’t they realize we’re America white??’”
I think that they are wearing something that sort of imitates Twitler’s wind swept bangs....
It’s kind of like that moment that Serena Joy is not allowed to present to the men of the extreme group she was involved in after the coup - and the new world order has started. She is female. Therefore, regardless of her level of involvement in the planning of the coup, she is being told she can’t come to the…
That’s good!. Too bad it’s not the musical version ;)
I was an art major in college and was interested in fashion as well as the culinary industry. Took some time off after college and worked in the front and back of house in a few restaurants and decided that culinary arts was not for me as a profession... so off to FIT I went. Studied apparel design for a year and then…
Palestine is a geographic region - and that land was ruled by EGYPT and JORDAN.
If only Hamas would accept that idea. They refuse to and continually call for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people. They set conditions for truce that they know can never be met. How can a two state solution happen if they continue to refuse to even meet half way, let alone acknowledge Israel as a state?
He grew up good!
Elizabeth Gillies has and AMAZING voice. She should have been big. Not AG big, but still. Wonder what happened.