I think they
I think they
Unfortunately, and VERY surprisingly, many business owners in the fashion industry support(ed) 45. Only recently with the tariffs have they been affected, therefore care.
“run their own business”. They in no way run their businesses. If they did, they would not be able to schedule a six hour photo shoot.
Because the Mercers as well as others, are also working behind the scenes.
Under his eye.
“I can’t even believe I’m responding to you. You’re the problem.”
In addition to the steel wool, mice HATE peppermint. Add peppermint oil to the steel wool
Are you really questioning her competence? With who is running our current administration?
I hope the sue the government for abuse, as well as mental torture.
Perhaps Melania is a one woman sleeper cell put into place by Vlad?
OR he’s talking like that to better communicate at the same level as his followers...
If that is true, it makes sense. Especially with the threat of a 25% tariff on her goods. Among other industries, fashion is going to be hit hard if it goes into effect.
I liked the ending too... it wrecked me for a long, long time....
I HAVE SEEN THIS COMMERCIAL!!! I thought it was a joke the first time I saw it, but have seen it several times since... Scary!!!
I’m pretty sure that $ciontologists do not use the internet very often so as to avoid seeing any negative portrayal of their “religion”
because he speaks like they do - to a degree. He doesn’t sound educated
me too. still taking the higher dose.....
Because nowadays what you do outside of work can impact the company negatively/reflect poorly on the company - “how could they knowingly employ such a horrible person” etc...