
From what I remember, it was coke, not heroin that she had the problem with

Welp. Now you are on some list or something.... they are probably watching your internets now....

I guess my reply to the earlier comment

I stand corrected.

Are you me???

Jews don’t believe in heaven or hell. So it doesn’t matter what this asshat says about getting there

And of course, his followers will read the same exact document an agree with him.

Move on. There are better people out there who WILL want to meet up with you, who won’t flake.


My CVS pharmacists have been nothing but supportive... but I live in NYC.

If this pharmacist is going to have problems with dispensing certain medications, perhaps he should get a new profession. His job is not to judge the patrons, but to dispense their meds.

You know what? I would be completely ok with that. Cut the diseased (red states) off and let them fend for themselves. Let’s see how well they do after the blue states’ teats that they have been sucking off of is removed from their welfare state mouths.

But they would all be xtian, so it’s ok!

White supremisists, right wing Christians.... same thing pretty much

Failing upwards at the highest level.

Pretty sure the only thing he ad-libbed was the -or some other people- off the cuff comment.

I think he means “HIS” people. People who agree with him that the Intelligence community was biased against him.

We better make sure Pence an Mother go along with him. Lets get all of the Xtian Taliban out of the WH.

No, she wouldn’t. BUT she began from very little.