Givenchy top
Givenchy top
Hey now! I work in the fashion industry and I am not any of the things you listed. EVERY industry has their selfish, base, idiotic people. Every. Single. One.
Agreed! I always avoid the express lines. They are LONG!
Bowery WF is my go to food shopping place! Going to hang out and look for him!
It’s today’s bread and circus.
I am pretty sure she has one - def. HAD one because I remember seeing something about her father taking her all the way out to nowhere USA with a car in tow for her to drive “freely” around.
Pretty sure she isn’t allowed to drive it either....
You guys!! THIS is the most important part of the whole discussion!!! I really REALLY think they are trolling us! How the fuck did her writers let her put this in her speech?? A fucking RICKROLL!!!!!
I keep trying to log in but am getting a “pls try again in an hour” message. ALL. DAY.
He had a licsense/permit to carry - which he was going to get from his pocket.
Until December?? That’s inhumane!
Not enough stars for this!!
Maybe. But they are in on the joke. And having fun riling up the masses.
Oh MAH gawd!! I remember this awful show!!
I kind of think that he is trolling the masses who are so into disecting their relationship.
He’s Canadian
I think I read somewhere she stabbed them too?
Maybe not. But there are quite alot of xenophobic idiots here in the USA who are not well educated and will vote for Drumpf. It’s not the same, but it is.