Vermont has threatened to succeed multiple times...
Vermont has threatened to succeed multiple times...
Flexit? Floxit?
They’re taking our jobs!!! They’re living off of entitlements because they’re lazy!!
Which is it? Can’t be both!
Can I join? This new world order is awful. Just makes me hope Trump falls off the face of the earth SOON.
Not sure tbh. BUT here is the brand that I had and enjoyed... not the actual chips - I got them at a Whole Foods.
I have had dried durian chips and I can tell you they were VERY tasty!
on grindr for sure!!
I’m mainly speaking about the people in politics, who fight every day to block LGBTQ rights at every opportunity. Who are giving their “thoughts and prayers”, but won’t come out and say that they stand with the LGBTQ community in the face of this horrific act.
Or the Christians/Conservatives that will give their “thoughts and prayers” but not come out and fully decry the horror because they do not want to be seen supporting the LGBTQ community outright.
There is NOTHING in this world that could EVER be funny or ironic about the Orlando shooting.
HAHAH!! Very true.
Trolling a 12 year old. Don’t they have anything better to do?
She really was a HE!!
Hispanic culture???
a laugh.
It seems to me that after the moderate success of her first album (where she sounded very 50's to me) her “team” probably told her to change up her look/sound. All of a sudden she is not dressed in pastel ciricle skirts, but in sparkly body suits and dancing around (like Britney).
It’s a loooong con
I think this is LiLo’s chance to rebound!!!
WORD. - Sorry Octopit, this was supposed to be in response to junwello. I was kinja’d