
My family did too!!!

I would break an ankle standing up for the first time in those... I am no longer able to balance properly for some reason in anythong other than sneakers or boots... I have some awesome shoes that I am afraid to wear. :(

I have a beautiful green silk top that I can not wear as of right now.... But I love it and will always have it because it is a work of draping art.

So very, very true.

A monogrammed thermos?

Where I work, the computerized inventory system is NOT to be trusted. It is a lying liar who lies. And I hate it.

Yes. I constantly get shouted questions about stuff while I am CLEARLY helping someone else. (I part time in retail in NYC in addition to my full time gig).
I usual turn to say to that person (if I don’t totally ignore them) that I will help them as soon as I am done with my current client. They usually apologize to

Or Chicago

Great book!

Any time!

They cancelled the panels on harrassment becuse they were getting harrassed.

Business of Fashion stated that he was at odds with the majority owner about their vision for the fashion house and it’s future.



It’s crazy! He rebuilt the brand! Anyway, his statement is amazing and the last part is the best part!! I’m pretty sure it’s a big fat FU to Wang for mishandling the fashion house and it’s potential.

Me too! At least the Bikram/no undies thing!

An awful thing that someone horrible came up with. Basically it’s an expensive present (ring/bag/etc) for birthing the child.

First of all, I DID read the entire article, as well as the entire discussion (as of last night). So no need to be nasty.

I babysat a very young infant for my friend for entire days. She left pumped breast milk in the fridge, which I warmed up for the kiddo when she was hungry. If you cannot do it, it doesn’t mean others cannot as well.
