And pooping. Stinky, stinky poops. That smell does not stay in one place. It wanders. It strolls. It infiltrates.
And pooping. Stinky, stinky poops. That smell does not stay in one place. It wanders. It strolls. It infiltrates.
I worked one summer as a waitress at Bob Chin’s outside of Chicago and I always came home smelling of fried fish and Mai-tais. My mom used do always comment on it when I got home too...
I have not worked at a movie theater, but I have a story!!! I would read the shit out of that article...
Can you imagine? A room full of armed, terrified people shooting at each other because they are all “good guys with guns”.
And honestly, is every single one of theose armed people a crack shot? I am pretty sure they are NOT. And that plenty of innocent bystanders would get shot. Even police are not perfect shots and sometimes end up shooting the wrong people when aiming at perps.
I do not work in education, but part time in retail. We had to watch a video about what to do incase of an active shooter. Then, once a year we have to rewatch it. My mind was blown that this was part of training. I also work in offices. We do not have any sort of active shooter training. This also blows my mind.
That sounds DELISH!
Pretty much what I do *for realz*
My friends and I put spicy oil ON our pizza! With red pepper floating in it. Then more red pepper flakes on that!
Me too!!
While his death was tragi, I’m pretty sure he was unconscious, if not dead from the impact of he accident and that even if there had not been a design flaw in the seatbelt he wasn’t going to unbuckle himself and get out of the car.
Not true. Almost everyone I know or have known takes their shoes off upon entering a home.
Exactly If a man were running PP (just go with this for the points sake) he wd be making more
maybe that’s why she is *really* mad at the gays and won’t let them marry. They won’t fix her hair.
She has certainly issued marriage licenses to couples who have been divorced prior to their new union.
Please explain where it is encoded in the law.