I kind of agree.... They are not exactly identical. One of them has a crooked smile (Drew, I think). The other does not.
I kind of agree.... They are not exactly identical. One of them has a crooked smile (Drew, I think). The other does not.
Trump’s money is no match for the Koch brothers and their money.
And! I think he is spouting all the hateful things that these people have been holding in. He is voicing their xenophobic fears of “mexicans” and “the illegals” and my parent’s favorite: “the ethnics”
Well, it looks like the other two officers are not being charged, despite lying about seeing him dragged.
From what I understand, he was dragged BECAUSE he shot Dubose, and Dubose tried to get away from the murderous cop. Thus knocking him down....
one time when I was visiting my grandparents in Florida I got so sunburnt on my face from swimming all day (on a cloudy day) that my eyes were almost swollen shut. Not fun at all!
Haha! Thanks! I love her too, but NOT in my Bikram class, that’s for sure!
I like John Stewart’s “Fuckface Von Clownstick” personally.
So basically, those kids who’s helicopter parents congratulated them at every turn for any and every achievement set up unrealistic pressures on kids because they congratulated them at every turn for any and every achievement, thus creating a human unable to deal with losses and difficulties in their lives???
Well, they do sleep somewhere around 16-20 hours a day... that doesn’t leave much time to post after all of the canary meals....
Maybe we can toss that asshole dentist in there to see if the “kitties” want to be pet. Let’s smear him in meat juice and blood first. You know, to lure them over for “lovins”.
Serious question - if a person knows that other people’s pets have been killed by coyotes (Miley, and some other people who I forgot), then why let your pet out into your backyard unsupervised? Especially when it’s a small pet...
The fact that she is no longer the nanny does indicate that there was something going. Jennifer Garner and Ben Afflec are no longer using her services.... Well, Ben might be.....
Also, there is a door fee. You have to pay to get into the “exculsive” party/club.
I got my first pair of reading glasses at 32 I think
I am sure that this guy wasn’t “hunting” while he slept. I doubt he hunted 40 hours straight, no sleep or stopping to eat. While Cecil suffered great pain.
Well, if you live in CA, you’d better be “taking care of your lawn” by spraypainting it!!