
Maybe (not too crappy) jeans cost $20 ten years ago, but any jean that cost that today are crap or made by child labor somewhere. Cotton pricing is way up due to a shortage, and there are aspects of the garment industry that factor into costing. It is super simplistic to expect a pair of jeans to be that cheap. If you

But it is not $15 of tailoring. There is more than just fabric and design included. I posted above, as did someone else - that there is not just more fabric, but more fabric WASTAGE. That garment probably in total uses (and wastes) twice as much, which you pay for. AND they are not cutting as many units. THAT

The women's jeans at least probably have stretch (four way) that is more expensive than a straight denim material. They are adding additional fibers to the material. That is more expensive. It also may change the duty rate when coming into the country. Cotton duty is pretty high. I do not know what it would be for a

My guess is that they are making more of them, so the cost is driven down. The more you make of an item, the less it costs to make.

Hmmm, I don't know about plus sized pattern makers being paid more - they usually are paid the same as other pattern makers - and most pattern makers are in the factories now, not the country where the design is made (especially for companies like ON). A spec is made in the design office and sent to the factory (and

More fabric and more wastage of fabric. As Mildred said, the fabric comes in certain widths, and you can only fit a pattern piece of a garment onto that fabric in so many ways (with the fabric direction being correct) without wasting a lot of that fabric. The wastage cost is included into the pricing. It is not that

Lumbersexual....Not just for white people.

Yup. Went on a hipster safari in Willimsburg this past weekend, and I would like to add that the lumbersexual has a friend in the longshoremansexual look that is an offshoot....


These guys have been cultivating this look for a while here in nyc. It was a splinter group from the hipsters, not weather related. Mostly seen in the coffee shops and dive bars of the LES, East Village and Williamsburg. Now everywhere.

They did not even hold hands! Or side-hug!!!

I say happy holidays because I do not celebrate Christmas. I find it obnoxious to assume that someone celebrates Christmas.

Unfortunately, even if it only hit the big corporations it would still hit the little guys (the people who work on commissioned sales - like me). So if a big store doesn't have the goods to sell, then I do not get my commission based pay. It sucks all the way down the line. Yes the corporation itself will be ok, but

Oh man. This is like a double edged sword for me!! I work in fashion and retail, so this will effect my paycheck (commission on sales), but YAY war on Christmas!

Me too, my friend. Me too....

It's amazing we all haven't mutated into dumb, crazy... oh, wait... never mind.

I have a friend who asked me if scrambled eggs would taste different from an omelet. She seriously asked me this. In a worried voice.

That's a bit disturbing. As a child when we went out to dinner, I ALWAYS had a Shirley Temple (non alcoholic fizzy soda drink with maraschino cherries).... Of course, it was the 70's and 80's, so ......

Also, if it's so fricking hot in Georgia in the summer why haven't the walkers basically fallen apart due to the heat/rotting element???

Ok... so then where is Carol? I don't think it's her with Daryl....