Whew! That is good to know. I DVR'd the show, and didn't see Talking Dead. So I only saw the clip from the show, not the extended one..... thanks!
Whew! That is good to know. I DVR'd the show, and didn't see Talking Dead. So I only saw the clip from the show, not the extended one..... thanks!
Did I see a flash of Daryl burning a sheet wrapped body on the "scenes from next week"??? Was that Carol?????
They show him running out of the store and seeing his wife, dead (implied by the red headband on the half eaten corpse on the ground, and two smaller mostly eaten corpses a bit further away with backpacks...
HOLY SHIT!! That picture is beyond scary!
If anyone I had just met or was dating shoved my head down to their crotch, our interaction would end IMMEDIATELY. It is not ok to do that to someone...
Soooooo pretty!!! And cute!!!
And a boob job. Definitely a bob job.
I think the nose is kontouring, but her eyebrows? That looks like a brow lift to me. No eyebrow penciling is going to create that much of an arch unless she plucked out her original brows....
I am totally surprised that the Westboro church hasn't weighed in on this....
You forgot the skinny jeans. They always wear skinny jeans....
And Nicole is Cruella DeVille, not a dalmation!
Does anyone find her attractive??
RIGHT???? He is the master of it! He is like - "servant, why are you pointing that thing at me and not giving me tuna??"