
True, but it is still an insult to those of us in the fashion industry. What the hell is he going to teach them? How to mix and match your leather sweatpants with your $600 white tee shirt and hoodie?

I would SO watch that! Remember "Celebrity Death Match"? I nominate them to do this in real life! I bet Ariana Grand-Latte has some real deadly weapons hidden in that ponytail!

Fingers crossed!

Glad to have helped.... here's some more!!

It may have been banned, but people are still posting links to imagur from 4chan.... so you can still see them *from* 4chan.

From one internez stranger to another:

My mother had to get my father's permission to get her tubes tied...it was the 70's.

Me too! Wish she would post more often on her blog...


I see it all the time in the subway ALL the time.

Not as cool as Beavis and Butthead, but goofy nonetheless.

They did not want lice.

And because lice.

yeah, or like .... nah, not worth the effort....

I LOVE this video! Poor kitty's ego...