Veronica Castrillon

“Um, she’s a defense attorney, not Mother Theresa. Morals isn’t what she was ever famous for. You don’t get rich as a lawyer because of your ‘morals’.” Not a good analogy, if you know anything about Mother Theresa. Mother Thereas didn’t become Mother Theresa because of morals, but only for the appearance of morals.

“Yeah. Fuck her, her career, and her economic interests.” Except for the little fact that she built her career on defending women and feminism.

But still the same piece of exploitative shit - Diddy, not the person he’s playing on his buddy’s illegal project.

Gee willie workers, that’s GREAT news!

Maybe he’s not making enough with his 138Water business scheme. It’s probably a “legitimate” business that helps him hide his illegal business.

“Love is real.” Yeah, sure.

David Marks: “You would have made a good mother.”

“This is an impressively well-researched historical in-joke.” No, it’s a very real tragedy, moreso because it has been treated as an in-joke, a *monetized* in-joke, for decades and by so many people. But you, an insider, can see why the modern-day Medicis, and those who aspire to be, wouldn’t want to let *that*

This was nearly 20 years ago. I don’t know how well you know that area, or if you live there, but Boxers closed a very long time ago.

What a piece of shit he is.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, not only has this embarrassing contribution to the history of film and television not aged well, it was fucking abysmal from its inception.” I couldn’t agree more.

“Not sure what kind of beautiful story that the script could possibly tell.” They told the same story season after season for the entire run of the show. The only thing that changed were superficial details, but it was the same story endlessly rehashed, and that includes the movies.

“Yes the photo where they deliberately made her look Blacker than she actually is[.]” They made a woman who isn’t black look black, but also made her child, who is half black, lighter skinned that she is. There’s too much wrong with those choices and Kim Kardashian agreeing to them.

I’ll give a shit about what she has to say when she stops being a beneficiary of monetized sexual violence and unimaginable, longstanding abuse and violation.

I’ll give a shit about what she has to say when she stops being a beneficiary of monetized sexual violence and unimaginable, longstanding abuse and violation.

It’s hard to believe you make money off of destroying people’s lives, Ryan Seacrest, and yet, you do.

But no look is complete if it’s not a His and Hers, so get that Babadook look for that special little terror in your life!

“Last I checked, career ambition was celebrated by feminists.” Shut up, or get a better troll technique.

“I . . . cannot really relate to Megyn all that much, because all I see in her is driving ambition and self-regard, and unwavering, iron-bar willpower to simply disregard anything that might interfere with it.