Veronica Castrillon

When I left my hotel room, I forgot to bring the keys. That wasn’t code. Nothing I do, say, write, wear, or eat is coded communication. What it is, though, is evidence that the hotel owners are in communication with people they denied having any contact with when I asked. That’s collusion, conspiracy to violate my

When I left my hotel room, I forgot to bring the keys. That wasn’t code. Nothing I do, say, write, wear, or eat is

Yesterday’s disinformation. Such a compelling read today, the fraudulent angle of sexy times because of the days of disinformation before it because of a comment I wrote. How different than every other single day. How do you reconcile yourself with normalizing the fact that I’ve been sex trafficked and forced to live

Isn’t “budget” code for vagina for the last few months? That’s what it seems. My favorite part about this is all the feminism! and how many women have agreed to my being silenced and assisting in silencing me, a woman who’s been raped and sexually harassed and violated by people who tell them how to distort what I’ve

Stop disinforming people. How is this article disinforming people? Because I didn’t use quotation marks when I copied the Department of Justice’s definition of rape, so that obviously means I’m communicating in code about quotation marks and merging. Except that isn’t what I did or tried to do. Two days ago, I wrote

According to The New York Times, the charges against Youssef are the most recent in a string of similar morality-focused cases targeting celebrities in an attempt to police clothing, behavior, and jokes.” That’s not what I’m doing or have done. Stop disinforming the public about real crimes that have been committed

I’ve never dreamed of having or owning a Jeep. I’m also not a Jeep. 

You don’t know how? C’mon, surely you do! Leo and I are working in tandem, behind the scenes! Have been for years, all planned, and the necessary evil of going about it the way we all have, well, that was a small price to pay for saving democracy! And everything I’ve said and done, including the articles and sites I

Your use of the word ‘true’ doesn’t have a recognized meaning outside of the alternative meaning. If people are going to try and dissect when I use quotation marks as a way to discredit me, “alternative meanings”.

“I don’t think we should dismiss her accusation simply because of speculation that her butt cannot be natural because it is “the size of two planets.” True, she made loads of money off of the tape, but if her accusation is true, or even if what Ray J said is true and she was really stoned at the time, it means Ray J

I support the rights of sex workers. I don’t support the “rights” of “sex workers”. I was a phone sex operator. My job wasn’t a “job” and it didn’t include having either “oral sex” or “oral” sex. Sex work wasn’t, then or now, implied or legal consent to being sexually violated, having my privacy violated, or any other

I support sex workers. I don’t support “sex workers”. I was a phone sex operator. My job wasn’t a “job” and it didn’t include having either “oral sex” or “oral” sex. Sex work wasn’t, then or now, implied or legal consent to being sexually violated, having my privacy violated, or any other of my constitutional rights

Posting a photo of a journal entry written in 1996 wasn’t code or consenting to doppelgängers either in my real life or on the internet. I hope every person who’s enabled my human trafficking by writing about it in these terms will be forced to endure what I’ve been forced to endure. When I upvoted a comment about the

“It’s possible NBC can breath a sigh of relief knowing ratings have since gone up.” Enough with the code language. Everyone in the entertainment industry already knew about Leo’s erectile dysfunction. Now some portion of the general public knows about it, too, so there isn’t really a need for the coded bullshit. Can

“(While it’s more than a little annoying that all O’Dell appears to ask her about is food and working out, it’s all we’ve got to work with, so let’s work with it.)“ Except she’s not being asked about food and her answer isn’t about food, either. It’s the word ‘food’ being used as code, and ‘fine’ is also used as code.

Russell Crowe might be playing that role, but “Russell Crowe” won’t be doing any such thing. Know why? Because that requires informed, legal consent, and to this day, he’s been “playing” without it. 

Even though John Updike - not “John Updike” -was never accused of being a predator, this is still tangentially related. It’s from a shitty blog by a shitty writer I came across yesterday:

Now playing

Until then, watch this! And you know why I’m posting these.

“My first name is Cyrus[.]” No, it isn’t, Leo-minion. Tell your boss to get the etymology of ‘zaftig’ tattooed on his forehead. You know, like in the Penal Colony. Thanks.

More like AbusiveTheif than a GentlemanThief, right? Also, you’re a nudist. As soon as you get home, off come the clothes. Not there’s anything wrong with being a nudist. I used to like that about you. I thought it was sweet and child-like, super proud of your penis.

Is that “Paramount” a reference to Asbury Park, meaning me, or is it Paramount, the movie studio? And is that “suicide” or actual suicide? Those aren’t rhetorical questions, but I already know there won’t be any factual answers.