Veronica Castrillon

Only dark ones, I would think.

“Right, so she sold her soul to Fox and pretended to be a racist, homophobic POS. That’s even worse. And I’m willing to bet there are a lot of those types on Fox.” Have you ever seen the movie The Last Supper? The character that Ron Perlman plays, well, there are a few of those on Fox News.

“So...let me get this straight...she’s saying that her time at Fox was performance art?” No, I think it’s more that she admitted her soul can be bought, and that Fox/Newscorp paid the right price from 2004-2017, until NBC gave her more for her buy-able soul.

But if they ever create a Netflix or Amazon series out of My Super Ex-Girlfriend, your friend should audition.


But that isn’t what Nazi Puncher wrote or the position she took. She also isn’t responsible for all the comments on this board. For the record, it was a genuine question, why you took her comment personally. But every response you’ve written is as defensive as the first one that prompted my question.

I meant to write: leaps and bounds of logic.

When or where did I say you shouldn’t, or that you should shut up? You took it personally, whether you admit it or not, it doesn’t make it any less so. I’ll leave you to your logical leaps and bounds and heightened sensitivity.

There was nothing in her comment that suggested she took the robot for a real person. She cracked wise about its expression and, from that, you took a serious leap.

Nazi Puncher referred to the robot as a ‘she’ exactly like you did, so what’s your problem?

Why are you taking this so personally?

Patronizing, and worse, stupid. It’s similar to “You’re not 67 years *old*! You’re 67 years *young*!”

I just left a very similar comment. That was far more troubling than her tacky, coven-looking mansion.

“We are very excited with it[.]”

Lots of money to be made in cooning, it’s been said. I’m sure he rationalizes it by telling himself he’s an example of how a POC can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Lol, no he doesn’t. That would suggest he actually gives a shit. He doesn’t. He’s an embodiment of “Fuck you, I got mine.” Good news for him? He’s