Fuckminster Buller

I saw your comment and I concur! I was brought here by the AVClub best of the first half of 2015 article and I'm feeling this album way more than To Pimp a Butterfly or any of the other albums there. There's just something about how effortless Sweatshirt's dense-ass rhymes come out combined with Earl's "yeah I can

Overall a good episode though I felt like the Tyrell strangle scene was the most forced scene of the season. Not that Tyrell wouldn't strangle her if given the chance, but that it seemed out of character for the new CTO's wife to a) go upstairs to meet him without some sort of comeuppance already planned that

Artax and Charlotte's Web I certainly agree, and in that vein Old Yeller as well.

In The Cu*t

I don't know if that applies though, like case 1) upper nudity is nudity, then it's weird that we allow upper nudity but not lower nudity. Case 2 upper nudity isn't nudity than it's weird we allow male nudity but not female nudity.

On one side, I'm all for this, but on the other, I feel like dick=vag not breasts. If we're looking for parity we basically need to do away with nudity standards in general.

Did you just drop the bass?

I haven't played the psp remakes yet, but based on the originals I'd say play through 2 but with an FAQ. It's definitely easier to play than P1 but the fighting system can be a slog. There are a ton of hidden things you can do that are not at all obvious that will make you powerful, but if you don't know what you're

I may be misremembering the P1 system as i only played through half of it and it was quite a while ago. How was the psp port? The original ps1 version was basically designed to frustrate (excessive random battles, navigating the world map in awful 3D which also has random battles, and the battle system etc) which is

See I've always thought of DDS, Persona 3 and 4, and Nocturne as essentially the same battle system (a tweaked version of the FFX turn system). Before Nocturne, most of the main and sideline MegaTen games had a cumbersome Talk/Fight/Bribe/Run system so Nocturne on was a huge upgrade.

Hmm, maybe I'm wrong then but I could have sworn it was dismissed as self indulgent and sort of Wes Anderson-lite (which, it is I guess). At any rate it was cancelled before its time.

Oh man, it's like a free pass to hipster out! Alrighty!

This show continues to surprise. Overall this is what, a filler episode right? I mean a couple of small subplots came together this week but overall, very little progressed in the way of the major story Elliot vs Evil Corp or of the show's catch phrase "Our Democracy Has Been Hacked" which implies hacktivisim for a

Total pet peeve.

They're like madlibs!

Clearly, one of the more romantic scenes ever written.

And maybe the "Mr." in "Mr. Robot" stands for "Mr. Robot."

Not to like imply anything, but Rami Malek's normal speaking voice is really close in timber and tone to Christian Slater's.

After a night to think about this, I've come to realize she didn't just frame her boyfriend, I think she also screwed fsociety in the process.