
Went from day one buy to a nope. Good job, Nintendo.

Well, maybe the idiots at large will start paying attention to Orange Dipshit and how badly he is fucking things up for everyone. Now that they have had their wittle toys affected. God forbid the ignorant masses pay attention for the sake of their fucking futures, but maybe this would wake a few of them up. Because

Ugliest fucking art direction the series has ever seen. Somehow they made the Bay Swol Turtles come off more appealing.

So fucking do it? Delay the games if you must, hire more people if you need, just fucking do it. Pussy footing around and “trying” to treat the devs like humans doesn’t mean a damn thing. Do it or fuck off. Devs need to unionize, these corporations don’t give half a crap bout anyone but the shareholders or the

Thanks, I hate it.

What the fuck did I just click on?

It’s amusing when people like you open your mouth, it shows your ignorance and provides people who know better with countless laughs, so thank you for that. You are trying to make something which only took 5 hours to beat on the first day out to be some hard task. The top of the mountain in games difficulty.. Let’s be

Nostalgia goggles, they will all bail shortly after it starts when they realize a lot of the QOL isn’t there anymore. Or the off chance they actually get to lvl 60 and realize that that is it, no more content coming. Then again “Blizzard” might try to milk those last few fools into replaying through all the expansions

This was a public service.

So they are already trying to spin it to lawyer/client protection.. lol.

The best people.

Sadly the creative are not the ones making the calls most of the time, and to be fair sometimes that goes horribly wrong too.. *cough go to hell Peter Molyneux cough*. Best case scenario is a balance between pie in the sky ideas and the cold heartless company has to stay afloat business.

Hahaha.. wow. I’m still in awe that politicians are so clueless that they think shit like this is cool. Forget trying to connect with people on a real level through issues and understanding. Instead, photo op in the most tone deaf stupid way possible. Bravo.

Oh please, distract him from a book? He can’t even read. If it is that big of a thing for him, just jingle some keys or hookers near him.

I was sorta hopeful for this game. I wish companies had more time to flesh out things more often. Was the development troubled or something?

I see what you did there.

Second is totally fine, it’s when we start approaching be number 50 that is gets a bit stale. All’s I am saying is not every single company needs to turn their games into the same thing all at once when a good idea arises. That’s all.

Nah I am not saying they are all bad. You are right some good ones did come out. I think I am just fatigued by all the ones that were terrible. There were so many.

To be fair those were spread out pretty far. I get that a genre can be popular, but damn they dog pile a new one immediately.