
Nah, not really. Can’t fault her for genetics, but her attitude and mannerisms can be managed if she was self aware enough. Body language is 75% of communication or more. And when what she says has such little content or forethought, it leaves some to whack at low hanging fruit.

Is this what gaming has become? One or two games get popular and then every company has to make a battle royal game.. Same shit happened with survival games after Dayz. That hasn’t turned out well.

What trips me out is some of the old ass consoles still have a battery charge after years of closet dwelling. Makes me wonder why the hell cell phones can’t keep a charge.

Careful, Spanky Small Hands, daddy Putin will take your toys away.

Project, project, project. Skew the vocabulary and attack the source.

So, what about Hannity’s comments about the last first lady? Or kids who were violently attacked?

Hahaha.. It’s always good to see someone really enjoying themselves with their hobby. That fucking E.T...

That sounds like water pollution. Counter productive.

Reason we call the platform’s users “twits”. Give every moron a soapbox and here you go. Most don’t think past 140 characters.

YUP. It’s almost as if a toxic game community breed shit humans. Then trying to act like those kids are anything but, is just setting up for failure. Ignore those that argue “but big sports have bad guys too”. It’s a bullshit argument. OWL is small compared to something like the MLB, but yet we see these stories about

Wired through the light bulb.. that is just poor design, I mean it is almost criminal from an engineer standpoint. Guess it backs up my hunch that they were just flashy things you leave parked. I was never a rider, but helped my father rebuild a few from scratch. Just had that feeling that shit didn’t line up right.

I would point out that most times when buying a full price game, we have been expecting it a while. Wanting to play it. Sale games are impulse buys that generally constitute games we were on the fence about or know nothing of. It doesn’t take any study to expect that someone would play through something they have been

Oh... did I trigger a fanboy? First, I don’t have hundreds of hours into it, just enough to be over refund period be cause I was a first adopter. Second, uhm yea they have hacked the game, lots of script kiddies altered the way the game works and thus fucked it up. Battle eye even stated that they can’t control it.

I’m actually curious about the quality of bikes they even made. I don’t remember hearing anything about warranties, and some of those things looked like death traps. We only ever saw them riding things briefly, and only their own biked regularly.

Hah, I’m going to use this argument for the next time I have to explain this to someone.

Thank you, this whole point seems lost on some of the more vocal idiots that post to this site. I am willing they are the ones who also go around saying racial slurs uninhibited. Their argument always amounts to one sided bullshitery that allows them to be as racist as those they hate. It’s lost on them that no one

Doesn’t look like any gun I’ve ever seen. Isn’t it interesting every time someone gets shot, everything looks like a gun?

You are such a sad pathetic little creature. What is it like to walk around and feel like a victim at every turn? News flash genius, a word is not a “fighting word”, or in this case a killing word. You have proven the exact point I was making, you racist shitbag. Words are never cause to harm another. Thanks for

PUBG is a fucking mess. Devs couldn’t code their way out of a paper bag.. Or handle a hacker problem. We should be allowed to get refunds for poorly handled messes of shit like that, maybe these companies would conduct themselves differently.

Welp, won’t be watching anything this guy does anymore. I vote against whack jobs with my wallet.