
Hold up.

And excusing his bullshit fuckery while calling her out for being classist. She's got a mouth on her, for sure. She's also 23 year old and has a lot to learn. He's got a grown ass daughter and is 40 or near about, rapping about beating up a woman. Ugh.

and saying that hes not homophobic because he did a duet with elton john. and how he doesnt really hate women, its just art. and how he cou l dnt possibly hate women because he "loves" his daughter. and anyway the tqo bitches in his life, bis ex and his mom, caused it all omg !!!12#!!#11

I've never bought into the idea that going out to eat by yourself is for lonely people. Or going to the movies by yourself, or going on vacation by yourself, or doing pretty much anything by yourself.

Cornering someone in public, in front of a crowd, and hitting them with a surprise marriage proposal is not romantic. It is cruel, and a little bit manipulative ("they'll totally be less likely to say no in front of all these people!"). I really wish this would become A Thing That Never Happens Again.

People who help others cheat are gross and lack personal ethics. That's just a truth.

You're basically absolving your friend of any blame for being a shitty person.

Please. She has a right to be this way. She was probably all, "So, wait, I actually had to be talented to succeed, but these idiots get away with it?"

On Taylor Swift: "great gowns, beautiful gowns"

i dont think she cranky. she is simply speaking her mind.

In the past, I lacked self-confidence, but now I also lack money.

I'd vote for Abbott over any political candidate any day.

Billy, I hate to nitpick, but I have a problem with the headline. The phrase "insane, masturbatory rampage" should be "insane masturbatory rampage." You shouldn't use a comma when the last adjective outranks its predecessor and is an integral part of the noun phrase. In this case, the rampage is not both insane

Pretty much, especially the woman-hating part. Life isn't easy for anyone, but these guys take their largely self-imposed victimhood to new heights. Basically they've never gotten over the fact that not everyone's gonna want to fuck you, something most of us reconciled with at a young age.

I have zero sympathy or fucks to give about these dudes. They've made their lonely woman-hating, spunk-crusted, cheeto-dusted beds, let 'em lie there.

I don't know, but I do know all this rat trivia:

It doesn't. I can't even imagine.

"Sooooooooooooooooooooooomeone's gettin' disbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarred...."

Nope. Because it's #EnoughMenToBeAFuckingPROBLEM

I think we can all agree that the REAL victims in this story are her eyebrows.