
Would it really be so much to ask her to hire a decent writer for the site? I don't expect her to do any of it herself, but there must be some copywriters or bloggers out there who'd be happy to take the job.

Fun is so last year.

Our concern is that the statute makes it very easy for people to shoot or stab first and to then exaggerate their fear or the real danger

It bugs the shit out of me when people can't be self-aware about what they don't know. Look, I'm not going to try to fix my own car, because I'll just fuck it up. There are professionals whose skills I respect who can fix that shit. If you're a celeb who wants to start a ~lifestyle site~, the best sign you've got a

Literal dickhead.

So she risked her life caring for a highly contagious patient and took measures to make sure her travel was approved by the CDC. What else can we ask of her?

Disagree with your entire assertion that her choice to continue planning her wedding was wrong, especially because Vinson wasn't told to quarantine herself and any number of sicknesses can present with a fever, not just ebola. She exposed at most 132 passengers, but most primarily the 20 or so directly around her she

Mmm... an ebola patient becomes contagious once the disease shows symptoms. You said it's not clear whether she had the symptoms when she boarded the plane to Cleveland, so it mustn't be clear whether she had the symptoms when she boarded her previous plane either. Your statement, "...she was obviously sick on Friday,

"So Vinson didn't know she was definitively ill when she headed to Cleveland, nor did she know for sure that there was a problem when she was given the go-ahead from the CDC. Fine. But she knew she was at risk of contracting Ebola from the second she first laid eyes on Duncan, and as a medical professional she knew

in peanut butter and cola flavors.

I was thinking nothing could compel me to join a cult but then you mentioned lunch at Red Lobster...

Exactly. The idea that he was going to convince O'Reilly of white privilege makes me side eye Stewart.

Oh you just know, "certain otherwise reasonable Jezebel commenters" are about to light up the comments section with "How can white privelage exist if i don't get everything I want 100 percent of the time."

Well color me surprised. If we can't convince certain otherwise reasonable Jezebel commenters of such a thing, then I'm not sure how Bill O'Reilly's light bulb will be going on any time soon.

Hey, I'm no puritan. I'd join most cults for a cool million...or hundred thousand...or a free lunch at Red Lobster....but only if desert is included. I'm not a total sell out.

Sure. Certain cult members (scientology anyone?) do well financially too. Doesn't change the creep factor though.