
Of course they are, and the author of this nonsense is leading the charge. I am absolutely furious that Jezebel/Kinja would give voice to this kind of pot-stirring half-ass reporting.

Yes. Not everyone lives in the US, for some of us Australia is just around the corner.

These are the people in charge, but you want to go after this woman?!

Clearly, you have never been to Australia.

Yes, really!

I love fashion!

You are right. I just threw that in because that seems to be the catch all justification for people behaving badly.

...and now she's rich!

Can we stop pretending like women don't know how to dress themselves? If you want to fuck your feet up do right ahead, but please stop whining about it where the rest of us have to listen.

Porn teaches men/boys that "No!" means something other than "No!"

I love her because she make white women sooooooooooooooooooooo angry!

Sorry, but any good he does is outweighed by his being a horrible person.

NPH is horrid, and I wish people would stop defending him.

Oh gee, thanks guys!

Sort of like this bitch...


Is this Gawker?