I'm not believing anything these old queens have to say until I see it in writing, and maybe not even then.
"Did you read that piece on Politico?" http://www.politico.com/magazine/story…
What to come in contact with the drops of your fellow human beings? Just reach into your wallet.
The same thing that has always been wrong with them.
True, Jezebel goes far beyond mean when it comes to picking apart women they don't like, while simultaneously elevating the cult of celebrity and some of the most disappointing examples of empowerment and agency that I have ever seen. Sadly, Jezebel seldom directs that vitriolic hatred toward the failings specific…
There is some truth to your statement. However, if one does not wish to be judged perhaps one should not behave in said manner in public.
Finally, some good news out of Texas!
Shhh...Ebola might hear us.
May I follow you?
You, I like!
For christ sake it is Shai LaBeouf...res ipsa loquitur.
This post is both well written and insightful. Thank you.
Yes I know, and I have also managed to hurt their little feelings. Alas, what shall I do?
Seriously? I had no idea.