God forbid, these children should have to do anything that they don't want to do; it might hurt their feelings.
God forbid, these children should have to do anything that they don't want to do; it might hurt their feelings.
"The reason why I chose to do that talent is I wanted every single little girl in America to be able to see that you can do that talent — you can do whatever talent you want on national television — even with a red cup — and still be Miss America and have the time of your life," Kazantsev said. "I literally in that…
...mais oui, bien sûr (I always keep a bottle and glass chilling for just such occasions).
I don't know, when I think back on it all my abortions were pretty fucking funny.
I wonder what she will have to say when she learns she will only earn 75% of what a man does for the same job.
I once called a mechanic and told him that the battery was dead in my car; it needed to be "jacked off."
2+2=...Can that horse count?
That's not to say it doesn't look like her.
Are there no real men left in America?
Rowe meant no harm, WHAT THE FUCK!
Seriously, she is just mad that she didn't get the job...close your clown face Kathy.
I would be happy to be wrong about this.
Let's face facts, shall we: He will receive a light sentence for killing a woman.
"...maybe for a long time;" probably NOT!