Well of course we should believe him. He is a man after all and men never lie about violence against women, just ask the NFL.
Yeah, sorry but NO! You are not a liberal if you are participating in a system that exploits and denigrates others for financial gain.
No matter the mates' intent here, it is insulting. And appropriative.
We ARE talking about an industry that routinely reduces women to the sum of their body parts, and is chiefly responsible for reinforcing every negative stereotype associated with Black Americans; Liberal-Ass Hollywood, HA!
Michael Vick went to prison for his actions in connection with the abuse of dogs. So nope, Rice has not been punished enough.
Don't or can't?
I'm just going to leave this here as point of reference...
Hey, Rice told them what happened; reality/truth should never be allowed to contradict the word of a man once he has stated his version of it.
Of course, why bother...Rice explained everything to the satisfaction of everyone involved; no need to bother with the truth.
This causes me to weep.
Can everyone agree that we should, at this point, just turn and walk away from this? Can these people PLEASE have a second alone? Everybody close your eyes. Walk away first, but close your eyes.
Who the fuck is that?!
It is interesting how people were willing to set aside their common sense to justify and rationalize this man's treatment of this woman.
He may be 6'4, but his ball sack isn't: GRAB. SQUEEZE. TWIST. AND PULL!
It is working its way up.