Leave it to those stuck up Brits to have standards that make the rest of us look bad.
Leave it to those stuck up Brits to have standards that make the rest of us look bad.
Continuing to believe you have any privacy on the web is foolish.
Jenny will fit right in.
The tragic metaphor for our times.
Agreed. Personal responsibility solves a lot of problems before they even get started.
Hell, Carolina looks like a cadaver in tissue paper; I suggest she take a seat before she falls into a crack in the NYC sidewalk!
Cee-lo? I think you mean "Creep-Lo!" Well, pardon me if I don't care what that fat fuck has to say about anything at this point.
...and on a happy note:
J-yesus people, it's not a pocket!
You forgot one of my favorites: You Hurt My White Girl Feelings — Everybody Must Be Made To Feel Bad and OVERREACT!
Welcome to the "Grey Zone," your point of view is not wanted on Jezebel, but don't let that stop you.
This may be a lot of things, but it's not a relationship.
Dash shows quite a bit of self-awareness and wisdom about his past behavior...
Mark, you should issue a blanket denial on behalf of all men.
Can somebody clean up the mess?
LAWD! Are men really this pathetic? This is the saddest thing I've ever seen. Seriously, if you are doing this guys you should seek counseling and medication.
This man does not deserve food.