
My "Creep-O-Meter" is on full blast; why would she want him?

Bring back the gifs!

As long as you are willing to fight for it you still have a chance.

I seriously doubt that race relations in America will hinge on anything Taylor says or does in this video.

This is not ok, but don't make them cry again.

Forget that, we need the UNHCR

America! America!

Ok, white women you win the race to the bottom in the quest to continue to elevate shit that means nothing. Did I mention how impressed I am with your ability to quash all dissent? HOLLA!

If there must be "naked idiots" let them roam free on baseball diamonds across America!

Well, this is sure to stifle peace in the Middle East.

The "star" is for having the courage to speak you mind and your truth.

Heavens to Murgatroyd!

Dumbass down!

I think this solves nothing.

"Go Slow?" 250+ years of slavery, 90+ years of Jim Crowe, 50+ years of more post-racial bullshit; We are not moving, We are standing still!

A penguin gotta keep that pimp hand strong!

No, really...