
What's with this "Someday my prince will come" mentality; what were we fighting for?

Never the less, owning something is better than owning nothing — can you image being 65 and living at the whim of a landlord, which nearly all renters do?

It's only "sweet" until you are forced to move.

Good financial sense and an understanding of basic economics is sorely lacking among many here.

Knowledge is scary, but "Thank you!"

Some fame-hos just do not know when to stop!

If you are so concerned, why don't you start saving your pennies and run your ass right over there and have a chat with Hamas about where they park their tinker toys of death?

Now playing

Palestine is what? At best a self-declared terrorist state lead by fringe dwelling lunatics, who put those who support them in harms way to advance their agenda. Perhaps the "innocent" people of this mythical state of Palestine should choose someone else to lead them. Otherwise, they can expect the same response from

Well said. Despite what these dingle berries believe, even a cursory review of history reveals that Hamas and it's predecessors have only one objective: The Destruction of Israel. No nation should be held hostage by a group of lunatics hell bent on their destruction. As a sovereign nation, Israel has an absolute right

Hamas IS a bunch of CRAZY ASS MEN!

Women and girls please take note, if someone put their hands on you "SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF THEM!"

This can only end badly, but that's good!

Go ahead don't have children...see if I care!

I was bitten by a spider nearly a year ago, despite the wonders of modern medicine the bite has yet to fully heal. GODDAMN SORRY ASS MOTHERFUCKERS LYING IN WAIT...

Isn't it funny how White people think they are entitled to everything, just because they are white.

This chick is the patron saint of a self-obsessed generation; good choice guys!

This statute is a slippery slope to legal hell.

Agreed. In fact this legislation raises a number of issues that other post seem to overlook. This is from my earlier post...