
The war on women begins early.

Oh do pardon me for offering Latin nonsense in response to childish nonsense.

Exceptio probat regulam in casibus non exceptis.

Agreed, no place is always safe and supportive. Some places are, however, more supportive of women, and that in my opinion is the point. If you believe you are safe and supported on a campus where the agenda is controlled by and for the benefit of male students, by all means go there. If however, you wish to consider

Of course you object, how dare women seek out schools that put the needs of women first! By all means continue to contribute to a system designed for the benefit of men, or maybe you don't understand/care that the schools under investigation systematically put the interests of their male students far ahead of those of

I'm just going to leave this here:

Glad to see you Jezies are FINALLY awake!


Shiny things...

You think you are furious, after fifty years of fighting imagine my frustration and anger at having watched this happen.

Oh so this is what you think is important...


Have you people never heard of a 'slip'?

"Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it!" — Maya Angelou

On the title "Fish Food" and where "Fish" came from:

You might be more than just wrong.

That is not what I said, and you know it. If you have something constructive to contribute please do so, otherwise do not put words in my mouth. BTW: You might want to take the time to actually read Janet's book, I have.

I am as pro-LGBTQ as you can get. HOWEVER, I need transgender women to stop referring to non-transgender women as "Fish." Use of this term by individuals in the transgender community, e.g. Janet Mock, is not endearing or cute, it is in fact, offensive and just plain misogonistic. If you want respect you have to give